Somatic Money Blueprint #4
Unravel Your Money Triggers -
Improve Your Financial Life!

In years of coaching, I've found that the first layers of inter-personal money relationship drama and trauma is sitting in the body's triggered adrenal and vagal nerve connections.

The first steps here are all about beginning to embrace that your body is responding to your money, whether you're aware of it or not. And then those next gentle and courageous leanings are to begin to find out what is truly happening between your money thoughts, money experiences and money emotions in your body-based money relationship experience. This is the land of the financial trigger zone that might be running your money life. And as daunting as it sounds, to begin to step into this space and get a handle on it. You'd be surprised just how fast and powerfully you can tame the beast and love yourself in the process.

This first layer of money work truly cleans up money messes and money drama faster than you can imagine. AND it's the groundwork to allow you to have access to the deeper money blueprints of your life. 

CURRENTLY, this content is available in CHAPTER FOUR in Are You Present in Your Body with Your Money? The paperback version of this book is available at Amazon.


1. FREE: Money Shows Up When You Show Up.

2. $79 Somatic Money Oracle Deck System.

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