Somatic Money Blueprint #1
Sacred Money Space
For Money as Cere-Money

While money relationship is logical and structural it is also deeply intimate and vulnerable given the nature of the emotional and energetic connections we experience through our bodies with any given financial event or experience.

So, if you’re more highly sensitive and/or empathic with your EQ-Money Type, it would make sense that you probably feel the deeper intimacy and vulnerability with your money relationship. If this is the case, you’d want to create systems and space to make sure that when you’re working with your money, you’re doing so in a safe, secure and even sacred way so that your body, soul and EQ-emotions feel supported and secure while you’re working with money. This dynamic begins to create an environment where you feel more secure to be able to be with your numbers. Right? Right!

That's where creating conscious, sacred and secure money space comes in to provide you with the inner and outer support that you need.

Currently, I've recorded the audio for this program but it still needs editing/producing. You may locate the most important information for this Somatic Money Blueprint on pages 229-259 of my Somatic Money book Are You Present in Your Body with Your Money? that's located on Amazon. Thanks for your patience as I build out this platform into the mega body-based money relationship resource that I've dreamed about for so long that can change so many lives for the better.

1. FREE: Money Shows Up When You Show Up.

2. $79 Somatic Money Oracle Deck System

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