Somatic Money Blueprint #9
The Four Sacred Money Elements

Partway through my journey of session work with clients, talking with Spirit Team, and collecting data element after data element for Somatic Money from sessions, I kept noticing certain pieces of the puzzle repeatedly stacking up and stacking up and stacking up. It all kept pointing in this certain direction of informational and experiential pattern creation of how the body responds to money, and vice-versa, when it's in balance (and out-of-balance).

These elements gradually unearthed themselves and illuminated as:

1. Masculine Money IQ
2. Feminine Money EQ
3. Money Value
4. Money Empowerment

Each one of them has about six to ten subparts and all elements and subparts are constantly interacting with one another in our bodies, our emotions, our energetic light fields and our money energy.

What I found, over a period of time in working with clients, is that when we took the client's Money Story blueprint and located the active shadow money contracts in The 12 Karmic Money Soul Contracts, we could identify where they were out-of-balance (or in balance) in their functional Four Sacred Money Elements. Alternatively, when we did a Four Sacred Money Elements excavation and identified the out-of-balance dynamics happening there, money stories would surface along with shadow money contracts.

All of these are deep money healing activities that helped to elevate a client's money relationship. It followed that cleaning up one would help clean up the others. Magic! Healing! Transformation! And financial functionality, success!

Needless to say, I can't get this map out fast enough to you because I know what a difference it will make for negotiating your Somatic Money landscape into a cleaner, clearer, more functional and successful money picture. This is where the up-levels truly happen.


1. FREE: Money Shows Up When You Show Up.

2. $79 Somatic Money Oracle Deck System.



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